- May 11, 2022
SHOWCASE AUSTRIA (Pelletierunggenossenschaft)
May 11, 2022
More information: COOPID Austrian Success Case: Pelletierungsgenossenschaft eGen
- May 18, 2022
Workshop about Grand Est - COOPAGRO (Spain)
May 18, 2022 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
This event will take place in Spanish - Open registration!
More information at: ACOR acoge la jornada 'Next Generation y Proyectos en Economía Circular' el 18 de mayo
Registration: register here!
- June 8, 2022
- June 24, 2022
- June 27, 2022
- June 28, 2022
- July 4, 2022
- September 8, 2022
Workshop about BIOGAL & CAVIRO - Cooperativas Agroalimentarias (Spain)
September 8, 2022 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9m_Ut8n-SjuETu2ldWH1HACooperativas Agroalimentarias de España, COOPID project coordinator, organises a workshop to talk about EU funds and successful initiatives in the EU bioeconomy. In detail, the workshop will present the Italian cooperative CAVIRO and the initiative carried out by BIOGAL.
- September 14, 2022
SHOWCASE FINDLAND (The Finnish Forest Centre)
September 14, 2022
More information to come!
- September 15, 2022
September 15, 2022
More information: COOPID Finnish Success Case: Valio
- September 29, 2022
Workshop about various COOPID success stories - Greenflex (France))
September 29, 2022 11:45 am - 12:30 pm
https://info.greenflex.com/webinaire-bioeconomie-valoriser-le-carbone-en-grande-culture?utm_medium=social&utm_source=Limber-linkedinValuing carbon in field crops: low carbon, sequestration, straw recovery. Welcome to the Bioeconomy Cafés, a 45-minute meeting to understand what is actually behind the term "bioeconomy".
Our aim? To present the bioeconomy to you in a concise way with concrete examples.
The program for this café is as follows
- Understanding the challenges of the bioeconomy across Europe: presentation of the COOPID project, Camille Poutrin - GreenFex
- Developing low-carbon chains for rapeseed, Emélie Halle - Saipol
- Valuing straws and other field crop products, Amaury de Souancé – Agricarbone
- Question and answer session
- September 30, 2022
Workshop about Carbery - IERiGŻ (Poland)
September 30, 2022 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Izabela Jakubiak will be presenting to the invitedproducers an innovative approach to members and the solutions of the Carberycooperative.
- October 13, 2022
Workshop about Pelletierungsgenossenschaft eGen - Proagria (Finland)
October 13, 2022
- October 18, 2022
Workshop about Victor Asenov - FBCD(Denmark)
October 18, 2022
Food Bio-Cluster Denmark will present the Bulgarian success story at the Green Academy Vocational School.
- October 19, 2022
- October 26, 2022
- November 3, 2022
Workshop about MOLLERUP - GAIA
November 3, 2022
Workshop in GREEK. Take part by following this event link.
- November 10, 2022
- November 13, 2022
Workshop about Pelletierung - PROAGRIA
November 13, 2022
- November 15, 2022
Workshop about CARBERY - GAIA
November 15, 2022
Workshop in GREEK. Take part by following this event link.
- November 16, 2022
Workshop about Pelletierung - GAIA
November 16, 2022
Workshop in GREEK. Take part by following this event link.
- November 22, 2022
- November 23, 2022
- November 26, 2022
Workshop about PINDOS - PROAGRIA
November 26, 2022
Free invitation here: https://www.proagriaoulu.fi/fi/ravinnekierron-mahdollisuudet-siipikarjatuottajille/
- December 1, 2022
Bioeconomy Winter Webinars #1 - Workshop about CAVIRO by MTU
December 1, 2022
https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=YeBehAAHKkGQ9RRl-5o58QPBcUD8aT1EjQQrFG6PVDRUOVVFR1gwT0hXMjNZMlNMRlBRMVA3TERQWi4uFree registration at: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=YeBehAAHKkGQ9RRl-5o58QPBcUD8aT1EjQQrFG6PVDRUOVVFR1gwT0hXMjNZMlNMRlBRMVA3TERQWi4u
Food waste prevention and utilisation across the value chain
Do you produce or process food? Do you have unharvested/unsold produce, inedible residues, or other food “waste” streams? You could increase your income by minimising food waste and adding value to unavoidable food losses.Topics covered:
- Food waste from farming, fishing, and food processing.
- Strategies for minimising food waste, e.g. alternative retail pathways.
- Adding value to food waste streams.
Presenters: Circular Bioeconomy Research Group (MTU), Teagasc, FoodCloud, Local Line
(Canada), COOPID ambassadors to international food businesses.
- December 8, 2022
Bioeconomy Winter Webinars #2 - Workshop about Grand Est bioeconomy by MTU
December 8, 2022
https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=YeBehAAHKkGQ9RRl-5o58QPBcUD8aT1EjQQrFG6PVDRURTFCRFhLS0k0REc3SzgxVzhXT0tGN1hCMS4uFree registration at (EN): https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=YeBehAAHKkGQ9RRl-5o58QPBcUD8aT1EjQQrFG6PVDRURTFCRFhLS0k0REc3SzgxVzhXT0tGN1hCMS4u
Bioeconomy opportunities for farming, fishing, forestry and other production enterprises, with a focus on Irish bioeconomy policy and Bioeconomy Action Plan 2023-2025, and bioeconomy benefits for cooperatives, including the Grand Est bioeconomy success showcase in France.The event will take place at 20:00 (GMT), Thursday, December 8th.
- December 15, 2022
Bioeconomy Winter Webinars #3 - Workshop about Austria by MTU
December 15, 2022
https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=YeBehAAHKkGQ9RRl-5o58QPBcUD8aT1EjQQrFG6PVDRURDBESk5CM0pGTjNTM0ZCVlhLVVpZTVpVTS4uFree registration at (EN): https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=YeBehAAHKkGQ9RRl-5o58QPBcUD8aT1EjQQrFG6PVDRURDBESk5CM0pGTjNTM0ZCVlhLVVpZTVpVTS4u
Examining the opportunities for boosting farm incomes through farm "waste" valorisation,
particularly biofuel, biofertiliser, and feed and bedding pellets, with insights from Dairygold and the Pelletierungsgenossenschaft bioeconomy success showcase in Austria.The event will take place at 20:00 (GMT), Thursday, December 15th.
- January 12, 2023
Bioeconomy Winter Webinars (EN) #5 - Workshop on Pindos, successful business in the poultry sector, by MTU
January 12, 2023
https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=YeBehAAHKkGQ9RRl-5o58QPBcUD8aT1EjQQrFG6PVDRUOEw2RFE1TDRaWkVXS1M1Q0MxNUtRSlkxQy4uFree registration at (EN): https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=YeBehAAHKkGQ9RRl-5o58QPBcUD8aT1EjQQrFG6PVDRUOEw2RFE1TDRaWkVXS1M1Q0MxNUtRSlkxQy4u
To complete your registration for the upcoming Bioeconomy Winter Webinar event, please enter your details below.The event will take place at 20:00 (GMT), Thursday, January 12th.
Les cafés de la bioéconomie (FR) - Workshop about the use of animal residues (Carbery) by Greenflex
January 12, 2023
Jeudi 12 Janvier 2023 de 11h30 à 12h15Les cafés de la bioéconomie
Apporter de la valeur ajoutée aux filières animales via de nouvelles valorisations des coproduits: exemple d'économie circulaire appliquée à la laine et au lactoserum
Bienvenue dans les cafés de la bioéconomie, un rendez-vous de 45 min pour comprendre ce qu’il se cache concrètement derrière le terme de « bioéconomie ».
Notre objectif ? Vous présenter la bioéconomie de façon concise avec des exemples concrets.Au programme de ce café :
- Faire comprendre les enjeux de la bioéconomie à travers l’Europe : présentation du projet COOPID et de différentes visites en Grèce, en Finlande, en Irlande autour de la valorisation des coproduits animaux, Camille Poutrin – GreenFlex
- Présentation du projet de valorisation du lactoserum par l’entreprise Savoie Lactée, Pierre-Alexandre Vernerey
- Témoignage du projet Vert-Laine par sa fondatrice, Delphine RauscentTemps de questions / réponses
- January 19, 2023
Bioeconomy Winter Webinars (EN) #6 - Workshop on cutting emmissions in the dairy sector, by MTU
January 19, 2023
https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=YeBehAAHKkGQ9RRl-5o58QPBcUD8aT1EjQQrFG6PVDRUNUpaQTAwUEQ4UFQzU09EWFdZQzVYUThNTS4uFree registration at (EN): https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=YeBehAAHKkGQ9RRl-5o58QPBcUD8aT1EjQQrFG6PVDRUNUpaQTAwUEQ4UFQzU09EWFdZQzVYUThNTS4u
To complete your registration for the upcoming Bioeconomy Winter Webinar event, please enter your details below.The event will take place at 20:00 (GMT), Thursday, January 19th.
- January 20, 2023
Workshop about VALIO by Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics
January 20, 2023
- January 26, 2023
Bioeconomy Winter Webinars (EN) #4 - Workshop about horticulture, Victor Asenov by MTU
January 26, 2023
https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=YeBehAAHKkGQ9RRl-5o58QPBcUD8aT1EjQQrFG6PVDRUNElLWEJaOVZNOFpEQ1VaS01ZVDZYV0lBUi4uFree registration at (EN): https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=YeBehAAHKkGQ9RRl-5o58QPBcUD8aT1EjQQrFG6PVDRUNElLWEJaOVZNOFpEQ1VaS01ZVDZYV0lBUi4u
To complete your registration for the upcoming Bioeconomy Winter Webinar event, please enter your details below.The event will take place at 20:00 (GMT), Thursday, January 5th
Les cafés de la bioéconomie (FR) - Workshop on the use pellets and dry biomass (Pelletierung, AUSTRIA) by Greenflex
January 26, 2023
Jeudi 26 Janvier 2023 de 11h45 à 12h30
Les cafés de la bioéconomie
Luzerne et autres produits déshydratés : des débouchés aux intérêts insoupçonnés.
Bienvenue dans les cafés de la bioéconomie, un rendez-vous de 45 min pour comprendre ce qu’il se cache concrètement derrière le terme de « bioéconomie ».Notre objectif ? Vous présenter la bioéconomie de façon concise avec des exemples concrets.
Au programme de ce café :
- Faire comprendre les enjeux de la bioéconomie à travers l’Europe : présentation du projet COOPID et d’une visite sur la valorisation des produits agricoles déshydratés en Autriche, Nicolas Berthomé – GreenFlex
- Présentation de la filière des produits agricoles déshydratés en France : intérêts et enjeux, Yann Martinet – Luzerne de France
- Témoignages de deux producteurs, Eric Masset et Antoine PriouxTemps de questions / réponses
- January 30, 2023
Workshop about the Finnish Forest Centre by Landwirtschaftskammer Steiermark (Austria)
January 30, 2023
More information about the Finnish Forest Centre case: https://interactiveplatform.coopid.eu/archivos/portfolio-items/coopid-finnish-success-case-finnish-forest-centre
- January 31, 2023
Workshop about Pelletierung by Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics
January 31, 2023
Information on the success case to be presented: https://interactiveplatform.coopid.eu/archivos/portfolio-items/coopid-austrian-success-case-pelletierungsgenossenschaft-egen
- February 15, 2023
Workshop about PINDOS by Pro-Agria (Finland)
February 15, 2023
More information about the PINDOS success case: https://interactiveplatform.coopid.eu/archivos/portfolio-items/coopid-greek-success-case-pindos
- February 20, 2023
Workshop about all COOPID success cases by UNIBO (IT)
February 20, 2023
- February 22, 2023
Workshop about Caviro by Pro-Agria (Finland)
February 22, 2023
More information about the CAVIRO success case: https://interactiveplatform.coopid.eu/archivos/portfolio-items/coopid-italian-success-case-caviro
- February 28, 2023
Workshop about BIOGAL by GAIA
February 28, 2023
- March 3, 2023
Workshop about VALIO by ProAgria
March 3, 2023
Workshop on the vegetable sector & Victor Asenov, by Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics in Poland
March 3, 2023
- March 9, 2023
Workshop about all success cases of the COOPID project by UNIBO (IT)
March 9, 2023
In-person, focus on women. More about the COOPID success cases here.
- March 14, 2023
Workshop about CAVIRO and the wine sector by UNIBO (IT)
March 14, 2023
Online. The case in brief: https://interactiveplatform.coopid.eu/archivos/portfolio-items/coopid-italian-success-case-caviro
- March 15, 2023
Workshop about forestry in the bioeconomy by UNIBO (IT)
March 15, 2023
- March 16, 2023
COOPID Spring Webinar
March 16, 2023 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
https://www.eventbrite.es/e/coopid-spring-webinar-tickets-536004121757?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=escbWhat role do primary producers play in the bioeconomy? Learn about successful experiences to engage the primary sector in your project.
This interactive workshop tailored for industry, academia, and any organisation or individual interested in the bioeconomy & the agri-food sector will tackle 3 topics:
- The role of the primary producer in the bioeconomy.
- Success factors for bioeconomy businesses in the primary sector
- Innovative dissemination in the primary sector.
Attendees will come out of this event with a better understanding of the status of the bioeconomy across the EU primary production sector, becoming familiar with the factors that help primary producers succeed in this environment, as well as with the channels and techniques that better reach them.
- March 17, 2023
Workshop about PINDOS and the poultry sector by Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics in Poland.
March 17, 2023
- March 21, 2023
Workshop about the olive oil sector and Oleícola El Tejar by UNIBO (IT)
March 21, 2023
Online. The case in brief: https://interactiveplatform.coopid.eu/archivos/portfolio-items/coopid-spanish-success-case-oleicola-el-tejar
- March 22, 2023
Workshop about the hemp sector, Mollerup Brands and the bioeconomy by UNIBO (IT)
March 22, 2023
Online. The case in brief: https://interactiveplatform.coopid.eu/archivos/portfolio-items/coopid-danish-success-case-mollerup-brands
- March 23, 2023
Workshop about the COOPID project & its success cases by Cooperativas Agroalimentarias (ES)
March 23, 2023
- March 31, 2023
Workshop about VALIO by Proagria
March 31, 2023
Workshop organised in cooperationwith Diaconia university ofapplied sciences and City of Utajärvi.
- April 20, 2023
- May 29, 2023
COOPID Bioeconomy Week #EUPartnerEvent #EUGreenWeek
May 29, 2023 - June 4, 2023
To celebrate the end of the COOPID project and showcase its results, COOPID is organising a final week of activities to foster debate about the engagement of the primary sector in the bioeconomy: the COOPID Bioeconomy Week, an official #EUGreenWeek Partner Event. The week’s highlight will be the COOPID Bioeconomy Conference in Brussels, where partners and relevant actors will provide recommendations to policymakers, academia and primary sector stakeholders.
The COOPID Bioeconomy Week will run from May 29 to June 4 (Monday to Sunday). Each day of the week will have a different digital activity focused on hot topics in the agri-food sector & the bioeconomy. The COOPID Bioeconomy Conference on May 31 will be the week’s highlight: an in-person dynamic event at the heart of Brussels.
More information at https://coopid.eu/coopid-bioeconomy-week
- May 30, 2023
COOPID Bioeconomy Week #EUPartnerEvent #EUGreenWeek
May 29, 2023 - June 4, 2023
To celebrate the end of the COOPID project and showcase its results, COOPID is organising a final week of activities to foster debate about the engagement of the primary sector in the bioeconomy: the COOPID Bioeconomy Week, an official #EUGreenWeek Partner Event. The week’s highlight will be the COOPID Bioeconomy Conference in Brussels, where partners and relevant actors will provide recommendations to policymakers, academia and primary sector stakeholders.
The COOPID Bioeconomy Week will run from May 29 to June 4 (Monday to Sunday). Each day of the week will have a different digital activity focused on hot topics in the agri-food sector & the bioeconomy. The COOPID Bioeconomy Conference on May 31 will be the week’s highlight: an in-person dynamic event at the heart of Brussels.
More information at https://coopid.eu/coopid-bioeconomy-week
- May 31, 2023
COOPID Bioeconomy Week #EUPartnerEvent #EUGreenWeek
May 29, 2023 - June 4, 2023
To celebrate the end of the COOPID project and showcase its results, COOPID is organising a final week of activities to foster debate about the engagement of the primary sector in the bioeconomy: the COOPID Bioeconomy Week, an official #EUGreenWeek Partner Event. The week’s highlight will be the COOPID Bioeconomy Conference in Brussels, where partners and relevant actors will provide recommendations to policymakers, academia and primary sector stakeholders.
The COOPID Bioeconomy Week will run from May 29 to June 4 (Monday to Sunday). Each day of the week will have a different digital activity focused on hot topics in the agri-food sector & the bioeconomy. The COOPID Bioeconomy Conference on May 31 will be the week’s highlight: an in-person dynamic event at the heart of Brussels.
More information at https://coopid.eu/coopid-bioeconomy-week
COOPID Bioeconomy Conference - Project Final Event #EUPartnerEvent
May 31, 2023 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Registerat: https://COOPIDbioeconomyConference.eventbrite.es
Next 31st of May COOPID will organise the final event of the project after 2.5 years of work: the COOPID BioeconomyConference, an official #EUGreenWeek 2023 Partner Event.
Download here the preliminary agenda.
COOPID is an H2020-funded project active since January 2021 with the mission to foster the development of the bioeconomy in the agri-food sector. With this goal, the project has implemented a strategy based on a cascading multiplier effect:
- The selection of 11 real successful businesses in the EU and the organisation of visits to these cases. Participants raised to more than 500.
- An ambassador programme with primary producers (127 #COOPIDambassadors) and more than 1500 impacts.
- The production of high-quality resources (>4000 downloads & views) and a supportive digital project presence.
Why Join Us?
Participate in person in the final project conference where the results of 2.5 years of work will be presented.
- Take part in a debate with experts on challenges faced by primary producers in the bioeconomy & business opportunities that are on the rise.
- Connect with key players in the sector.
- Find out first-hand the recommendations produced by the COOPID project
- Visit the project exhibition, and take home all the videos, resources and materials produced by the COOPID project.
Who Is This Event For?
- Primary producers
- Policymakers
- Agri-food cooperatives
- Organisations in the agri-food sector
- EU Projects
- Industry and academia
Other Key Events on the Same Day in Brussels: The 2023 EU AgriResearch Conference
The 31 May 2023 (13:30 CEST - 1 June 2023,18:00 CEST), the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development(European Commission) is organizing the 2023 edition of the EU AgriResearchConference: “This year’s edition will give participants the opportunity to engage with scientists, farmers, rural communities, industry, advisors, policymakers, citizens and NGO representatives.” (European Commission)
The agenda of the COOPID BioeconomyConference (09.00-12:30) and the 2023 EU AgriResearch Conference (13:30-18:00)are compatible, with the venues being 15 minutes walk apart: if interested, you can enjoy both agri-food events in your day in Brussels.
More information on the 2023 EUAgriResearch Conference is here.
Where To Find out More About COOPID?
- COOPID Bioeconomy Week.
- Follow the COOPID project on social media.
- Subscribe to the YouTube channel
- Subscribe to the project newsletter.
- Visit the COOPID project webpage and Interactive Platform.
2023 EU AgriResearch Conference
May 31, 2023 1:30 pm - 6:00 pm
The 31 May 2023 (13:30 CEST - 1 June 2023, 18:00 CEST), the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (European Commission) is organizing the 2023 edition of the EU AgriResearch Conference: “This year’s edition will give participants the opportunity to engage with scientists, farmers, rural communities, industry, advisors, policymakers, citizens and NGO representatives.” (European Commission)
The agenda of the COOPID Bioeconomy Conference (09.00-12:30) and the 2023 EU AgriResearch Conference (13:30-18:00) are compatible, with the venues are 15 minutes walk apart: if interested, you can enjoy both agri-food events in your day in Brussels.
More information on the 2023 EU AgriResearch Conference here.
- June 1, 2023
COOPID Bioeconomy Week #EUPartnerEvent #EUGreenWeek
May 29, 2023 - June 4, 2023
To celebrate the end of the COOPID project and showcase its results, COOPID is organising a final week of activities to foster debate about the engagement of the primary sector in the bioeconomy: the COOPID Bioeconomy Week, an official #EUGreenWeek Partner Event. The week’s highlight will be the COOPID Bioeconomy Conference in Brussels, where partners and relevant actors will provide recommendations to policymakers, academia and primary sector stakeholders.
The COOPID Bioeconomy Week will run from May 29 to June 4 (Monday to Sunday). Each day of the week will have a different digital activity focused on hot topics in the agri-food sector & the bioeconomy. The COOPID Bioeconomy Conference on May 31 will be the week’s highlight: an in-person dynamic event at the heart of Brussels.
More information at https://coopid.eu/coopid-bioeconomy-week
- June 2, 2023
COOPID Bioeconomy Week #EUPartnerEvent #EUGreenWeek
May 29, 2023 - June 4, 2023
To celebrate the end of the COOPID project and showcase its results, COOPID is organising a final week of activities to foster debate about the engagement of the primary sector in the bioeconomy: the COOPID Bioeconomy Week, an official #EUGreenWeek Partner Event. The week’s highlight will be the COOPID Bioeconomy Conference in Brussels, where partners and relevant actors will provide recommendations to policymakers, academia and primary sector stakeholders.
The COOPID Bioeconomy Week will run from May 29 to June 4 (Monday to Sunday). Each day of the week will have a different digital activity focused on hot topics in the agri-food sector & the bioeconomy. The COOPID Bioeconomy Conference on May 31 will be the week’s highlight: an in-person dynamic event at the heart of Brussels.
More information at https://coopid.eu/coopid-bioeconomy-week
- June 3, 2023
COOPID Bioeconomy Week #EUPartnerEvent #EUGreenWeek
May 29, 2023 - June 4, 2023
To celebrate the end of the COOPID project and showcase its results, COOPID is organising a final week of activities to foster debate about the engagement of the primary sector in the bioeconomy: the COOPID Bioeconomy Week, an official #EUGreenWeek Partner Event. The week’s highlight will be the COOPID Bioeconomy Conference in Brussels, where partners and relevant actors will provide recommendations to policymakers, academia and primary sector stakeholders.
The COOPID Bioeconomy Week will run from May 29 to June 4 (Monday to Sunday). Each day of the week will have a different digital activity focused on hot topics in the agri-food sector & the bioeconomy. The COOPID Bioeconomy Conference on May 31 will be the week’s highlight: an in-person dynamic event at the heart of Brussels.
More information at https://coopid.eu/coopid-bioeconomy-week
- June 4, 2023
COOPID Bioeconomy Week #EUPartnerEvent #EUGreenWeek
May 29, 2023 - June 4, 2023
To celebrate the end of the COOPID project and showcase its results, COOPID is organising a final week of activities to foster debate about the engagement of the primary sector in the bioeconomy: the COOPID Bioeconomy Week, an official #EUGreenWeek Partner Event. The week’s highlight will be the COOPID Bioeconomy Conference in Brussels, where partners and relevant actors will provide recommendations to policymakers, academia and primary sector stakeholders.
The COOPID Bioeconomy Week will run from May 29 to June 4 (Monday to Sunday). Each day of the week will have a different digital activity focused on hot topics in the agri-food sector & the bioeconomy. The COOPID Bioeconomy Conference on May 31 will be the week’s highlight: an in-person dynamic event at the heart of Brussels.
More information at https://coopid.eu/coopid-bioeconomy-week