The COOPID legacy, lessons learnt & recommendations
Lessons learnt & recommendations for primary producers, academia, and policymakers. The content of this document has been prepared by Innovarum, based on the Deliverable prepared by Food & Bio-Cluster Denmark (D4.6) for the COOPID project on recommendations and lessons learnt.
COOPID infographics – Dairy sector 2
COOPID infographics about EU agricultural sectors: Valio, Finland.
Hot topics in the primary sector_infographics pack (5)
A series of 5 infographics about hot topics in the EU primary sector was produced by the COOPID project.
The bioeconomy series_infographics pack (9)
9 infographics about key sectors in the EU bioeconomy by the COOPID project
COOPID infographic – Wine sector
COOPID thematic infographics for primary producers: wine sector
COOPID infographic – Livestock sector
COOPID thematic infographics for primary producers: livestock sector
COOPID infographic – Vegetable production
COOPID thematic infographics for primary producers: cereal & beet sector
Success factors in the EU bioeconomy
Infographics of the COOPID project
Success cases in the bioeconomy – PART 1
Pack of brochures of success in the EU bioeconomy: successful sustainable organisations across de the EU primary sector!
Gender in the EU bioeconomy
Infographics of the COOPID project