The COOPID legacy, lessons learnt & recommendations
Lessons learnt & recommendations for primary producers, academia, and policymakers. The content of this document has been prepared by Innovarum, based on the Deliverable prepared by Food & Bio-Cluster Denmark (D4.6) for the COOPID project on recommendations and lessons learnt.
D4.5 Recommendations for academia and research
The aim of this deliverable is to present and discuss the needs identified in relation to bioeconomy development for the agriculture sector during the COOPID Project. It outlines the current policy framework and make recommendations for how academia and researchers can continue to contribute to a successful establishment of the bioeconomy focusing on the primary sector. The main insights emerge from the assessment of the success of the businesses cases selected in COOPID as well as from the review of ...
D4.4 Recommendations for policy makers
The aim of this deliverable is to present and discuss the needs identified in relation to bioeconomy development for the agriculture sector during the COOPID Project. It outlines the current policy framework and make recommendations for how policy makers can continue to contribute to a successful establishment of the bioeconomy focusing on the primary sector. The main insights emerge from the assessment of the success of the businesses cases selected in COOPID as well as from the review of policy ...
D4.3 COOPID: recommendations for primary producers
The aim of this deliverable is to present and discuss the needs of the primary producers identified in relation to bioeconomy development for the agriculture sector during the COOPID Project. The main insights emerge from the assessment of the success of the business’ cases selected in COOPID as well as of the context of the bioeconomy in relation to primary producers.
Deliverable 4.2: Success story factors for biobased Business models
Ten COOPID Success Stories showcased and the business models behind them have been analyzed to identify common factors that make them success stories in the bioeconomy. The ten showcases are:Oleícola El Tejar (Spain); Grand Est bioeconomy ecosystem (France); Caviro (Italy); Pindos (Greece); ZP Victor Asenov (Bulgaria); Biogal (Poland); Pelletierungsgenossenschaft eGen (Austria); Carbery (Ireland); Moellerup Brands (Denmark); VALIO (Finland)