COOPID infographics about the bioeconomy and the primary sector

COOPID has produced a series of infographics about the bioeconomy and the EU primary sector. On the one hand, a pack of infographics cover hot topics cover hot issues in the industry such as:

  1. Gender in the bioeconomy.
  2. Young primary producers.
  3. Key factors to succeed as a primary producer in the industry.
  4. The role of cooperatives in the bioeconomy.

On the other hand, COOPID has also produced a “bioeconomy sector series” about different sectors within the EU primary sector: dairy, poultry, livestock, olive oil and crop sectors are covered, among others. All the sectorial infographics include specific examples of business cases that are succeeding within their sector.

All infographic packs, as well as more materials (like practice abstracts and videos), are available at the COOPID website for download! To start, you can download the “Hot topics in the bioeconomy pack” and the “Bioeconomy sectors series pack” here:

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COOPID in the 8th congress of Agri-food Cooperatives Spain
Local workshop: Grand Est Bioeconomy Ecosystem Workshop hosted by Pro-Agria, Finland